Sunday, July 27, 2008

Backwoods Redneck Living in PA?

I may have moved back to PA from being in Nashville for such a long time, but here's one thing I really do NOT understand.

People would expect rednecks in TN to possibly be missing teeth, etc. But here I am, in northeastern Pennsylvania, and I have noticed an overabundance of missing teeth in the mouths of random strangers.

I felt compelled to blog this after I was sitting peacefully on my front porch, while the rain was winding down and my windchime was blowing in the wind, and as the rain stopped, a couple was walking up the street. There was this woman, a little chunky, wearing jeans and a red baggy shirt with wavy/frizzy blonde hair being held back in a half ponytail. There was a flower tucked into her hair. The man was significantly thinner, with a buzz cut hair do. He looked pretty rough around the edges. He was wearing baggy denim shorts and a dirty t-shirt.

They were holding hands, and as they walked by, he turned to smile at her, and I noticed that he had no teeth. I can't explain how many times I really wish I had a camera implanted into my eyes, so I could replay the things I have seen and share them with others. As they walked past my house, they stopped at the top of the little hill, a few houses up, and kissed each other. Aw, love.

I've met some great people up here. There are some wonderfully genuine people in this area. That sight, sparked a train of thought about the number of people missing teeth in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

People walk down the street, holding hands, flashing smiles that are full of holes. You wanna see typical Pennsylvania redneck? Sit down for a beer in a small bar in Pittston, PA. You'll see the type of redneck you've never seen before. Most of these people are factory workers, or 3rd shifters, or construction workers (that's huge around here). There's nothing wrong with redneck, let me make that clear. I love me some rednecks! What it is, is the difference between the rednecks you find in the south, versus the rednecks you find in the north that makes it so interesting.

Side note here: As I typed that last line, a little finch landed on my porch, sat for about 15 seconds, looking around, then flew away.

I have thought about the old Jeff Foxworthy jokes... "You might be a redneck if", and it's funny, with each one I remember, I can literally look down my block and think about how I can apply something to pretty much someone on my block.

What's more interesting, is that I'm not in the country. I'm in an area known for coal mining and a tomato festival.

While I don't understand the overabundance of the toothless here in my area, I can say this for the area; It really is an area that I feel safe living.

Everyone knows everyone, and so you know who your kids are playing with, you know where they went to school, who their parents are and where they went to school, you know a lot about them (sometimes more than you want to)... but at least you know.

Maybe this area is more redneck than I have given it credit for before.... there's hope yet.

I still wish I had a video or at least a picture of the people walking... sigh.


1 comment:

Query-A-Day said...

If you go back to 2007 in my blog, look for the hospital hoochies post... it talks about something similar. Ah, gotta love NEPA rednecks. =)