Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Week of Health

Monday's Dentist Trip

I went to the dentist Monday, a new doctor here in the Back Mountain. Actually Back Mountain Dental Group, with Dr. Definnis. Wow! They are a great office!

I was referred by my friends at work, and it was a great referral. Their staff was friendly, gentle and all around helpful. I would recommend them to anyone in this area!

I have to go back for a cavity filling... and they recommended that my wisdom teeth get yanked by an orthodontic surgeon (they've all broken through, thank God no impacted teeth!).

Today's Doctor's Visit

And I met my new local doctor today, part of the Inter Mountain Medical Group. I was there first thing in the morning and I really like my new doctor. I'm actually in love...

Not with him, but with... this guy here:

That's IKE!
Ike is my doctor's child. He only comes to the office on Thursdays, because he's being trained to be a physical therapy dog... and since he was a puppy he's been coming into the office every Thursday.
He's a really beautiful dog.
Anyway, I like my doctor too. He's low key, into being a pretty preventative doctor. We mesh on healthcare issues.
I have to go back for bloodwork sometime this week, but I have to fast first, which means that should be interesting!
Anyway, it was a good week of Health related trips.
I also made an appointment for my GYN care appointment too! In the same office.
Pretty excited... now, next week is Legal week. Hahaha!

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