Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Weekend, Etc.

I know I still have to finish up my birthday blog. It's a long one, and I'll get to it.

Just wanted to blog about this past weekend. It was fun, with the exception of getting sick- what the kids had all week. Ugh.

I could kill for a good cup of coffee right now.

Of course, I am once again single for Valentine's day, not that I really mind too much. Sure, having someone to share that whole romantic day with is great. What's tough is being alone through all the sappy romantic movies they play, and being tired/worn out enough to only feel like sitting there and watching TV.

Sore throat, coughing, fever.... gotta love it.

The kids had a good time this weekend because they had run of the house for the most part.

I ran into Jim at Spurs when I popped out for a bit, he turned around and ran in the other direction, then I saw his friend/"sister" and she asked me if I was with anyone, I said, no. I am back to doing things on my own again. I think he asked her to find out if I left him for someone new. Nope, I didn't. Just didn't feel the same way as he did.

Jon called me on Valentine's day, twice. Once I talked to him, and he wished me a Happy Valentine's day, we talked for a little while, then I guess he called again, long after I was asleep, announcing that it was his birthday on my voicemail (His birthday is the 15th). He called again on his birthday during the day to chat. Odd for me, to suddenly have him calling again. I was a little on the optimistic side when he mentioned that him and Melissa broke up- I said, oh, don't worry, I'm sure you guys will patch things up for another go of it soon enough. I don't think he was expecting that response. Burn me, I won't get burned again.

Had a fun night last night, was able to escape for a happy hour drink with Keith, though I stumbled in on "Man-date" night. Well, I was invited to join, not realizing it was "man-date" night. Still fun, played Chug21 at the little bar and won high score on the machine, much to Keith's chagrin. Got to hang out with Stu and Nick too. They're always a lot of fun.

Got a phone call from Mark yesterday, saying that TT was all mad about the MySpace message I left for him, telling him basically that if he knew anything about my camera, he really needed to let me know... how does one get angry about a post like that unless they're feeling guilty?
I should probably just refer him to the police report and let him know that if he has any questions or answers regarding the camera and shoes episode, he can talk to the detective.
I am really pissed but I have a feeling I'll get my stuff returned, at some point. Let's face it, married guy goes out with a harem of women, runs into an ex-friend/girlfriend for a second, and then someone takes a picture of them together... yeah, well, might not bode well for said married man who doesn't take the vows seriously. Thankfully, I want nothing to do with him in that department, didn't even want my picture taken with him, but obliged once the camera was shoved in my direction. Even was told I had to get closer. Sigh... then the camera disappears ten minutes after the picture was taken. Yeah, something doesn't add up. Oh, and the shoes too. Make sure that she knows it's a personal attack, take her shoes.

I know my stuff will be returned. I know it.

Ok, kids are driving me up a wall here, the girls are late for school because Kate flipped about her pants... and I put new ones in the dryer. Now she can't find the ones that are clean in the dryer and I am about ready to scream. She also can't "find" one of the several hairbrushes I just re-stocked in this house. Of course, she's complaining about not being able to find it while laying in the hallway, so that should explain her level of searching for both said items. Gotta go be tough mom for a bit.

Catch ya later, gonna have a good week. :)

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