Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Cleaning & Poetry/Book News

It's time for a little spring cleaning. Not just my house, but my mind and soul too. My hurts, my experiences, my joys- all of those are like the leaves that fell last fall. IN THE PAST! As spring blooms around me, I am reminded that I am in bloom again too. I am reborn... Every day is an opportunity to grow, change and look forward. Nature doesn't dwell on the past, it strives for the future. I shall do the same.

I'm feeling REALLY positive today. There's just SO much potential within me - that is being unleashed today towards some GREAT things moving forward in my life. Life is a gift, folks... it's to be appreciated for every moment we are given. 


I was going through my desk, in an effort to clean it up, sort it out, and do some cleaning... and I began paging through all my (many) notebooks that I've written in over the past six or so years and carried around with me. I've scribbled lines of thought, beginnings of songs, full pages of journaling, etc. in these pages, documenting my state of mind at various stages before, during and after my divorce, financial free fall and re-discovery of myself. I've also rediscovered my spirituality and found a faithful resolve. After picking up one of my hard covered journals, I recalled a conversation I had with a Nashville visual artist who inspired the then pricey for me, $18 hard cover journal purchase. He read through some of my works, saw pictures of some of my art, and responded with an email to me that included the following text: "You're a great writer, don't waste it on the music industry." 

A lot of what I had begun to write, started off as song ideas, and morphed into poetic verse instead. I guess you go with what you know at the core... While some of my writing can most certainly and has been morphed into song form, I almost always appreciate the original best. At present, the book is in the process of being compiled and hopefully the poetry and words I've written over the past several years, as well as the art I've created will be able to be appreciated- and possibly help others going through their own journey of self discovery after a major life change. The working title is "Reflections from a Scattered Mind".

Here's a snippet: 

On Taking Chances 

I allow myself to fall
There's no parachute
It's a free fall
I willingly took the step
I leapt from the cliffs
My soul knows that when
Opportunity knocks
I'll open the door
God shows me a way
I have faith in Him
I'll jump every time
And fall.
If you don't catch me,
hold me tight and
love me forever,
He will.


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